

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Erecting Room

I’m not sure if I really want to be an organ-builder. But, if it comes true, I need huge building to be my workshop. I’ll hire some assistants (or no? who knows?). We need some room to work and place the equipments and materials.
One important room is erecting room. We need it to erect the long, thick, big (maybe it isn’t just big, but huge) beautiful things called organ pipes. I’ll need at least 40 feet-height room. Okay, the lowest pipe I’ll produce maybe only 32 foot pipes. The speaking length is about 32 feet for open pipe, but I need more feet for the pipe foot, wind lane, casework, and miscellaneous part I haven’t known the name yet. We will install the organ in that room. We need to know that all parts are fit to their positions and function.
The erecting room is huge, right? Yes, the 32 foot pipe alone will make me look like a tiny fairy than a human. I’ll get my wings and magic wand, so I can fly around the room.

Is the erecting room going to be used all time? As private organ-builder just for myself, I won’t spend my time to build my own organ. That erecting room won’t always be used to set up the pipes. But, if I plan it carefully, add proper acoustics, it can be used as rehearsal room for choir. It will be great to sing and hear choral music with well adjusted reverberation. It’s also fun to play my whistle voice in that room.

"Go to the erecting room and get your long-sustained whistle voice."

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