

Rabu, 28 November 2012


Jarang ada hakim yang membuat keputusan dengan memperhatikan atau membandingkan keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh hakim lain. Karena itu, kita temui adanya ketimpangan antara keputusan hakim yang satu dengan hakim yang lain.

Oleh Widyantoro Setiawan
Tangerang Selatan, 28 November 2012, pukul 13.00

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Anti Nyamuk

Waktu gue baca Recent Keyword Activity di Statcounter, agak kaget juga karena ada yang nyasar ke post ini buat nyari cara mengusir nyamuk. Wohohoh, lumayan laku rupanya meski isi post-nya ga gitu jelas.
Kalau kupikir-pikir, ngusir nyamuk pake jeruk nipis tuh ga terlalu asik. Pertama, ga praktis. Kita kudu beli jeruk dulu. Terus jeruknya diiris. Terus jeruknya diperes-peres (awas jangan sampe tumpeh-tumpeh XD). Terus meresnya harus ati-ati, jangan sampe cipratannya kena mata; perih. Kedua, harga jeruk naek. Daripada buat ngusir nyamuk mending dibikin wedang jeruk; anget-anget seger, enak.
Terus ngusir nyamuknya pake apaan dong? Tenang aja, pake Soffel Spray praktis.
Tinggal semprot cus cus cus, nyamuk pada kabur semua. Wanginya enak, ada dua pilihan aroma; kulit jeruk dan bunga geranium. Karena baunya wangi dan cara makenya disemprotin ke kulit, kadang aku jadi bingung, ini produk anti nyamuk, deodoran, atau parfum sih? Wahahaha.
Harganya? Beli di Harmoni Ceger, bayar Rp10.000,00 masih dapet kembalian.

Minggu, 25 November 2012

The Gentle Giant

The 32 ft. open wood pipe produces an effect of which the King of Instruments alone may boast. It cannot be reproduced by any other means, as far as I am aware, save that of a wood or metal pipe thirty-two feet long and of adequate scale. Not even the diaphone can produce the characteristic "seething, bubbling" effect of the traditional pedal pipe. Any attempt at imitation by means of an oscillating valve or any other electronic system must inevitably fail owing to the sheer incapability of a loudspeaker diaphragm to handle such a sound wave without "frequency doubling." There is no acoustic system of tone-production that can vie with the aerial mechanism of a 32 ft. pipe of wood measuring, say, 29 in. by 25 in. at CCCC (the scale adopted by Mr. Willis at Liverpool Cathedral). True, the actual fundamental frequency of sixteen vibrations per second cannot be distinguished by human ears : the lowest frequency in the audible range is twenty vibrations per second. But it does not follow that the sound emitted by the CCCC pipe is lost on the listener : far from it ! It has a psychological effect on the listener that no other sound is able to produce, and only a 32 ft. flue pipe
can do it.

Quoted from "The Modern British Organ" by Noel A. Bonavia-Hunt, M. A.

Jumat, 23 November 2012

True Bass or Fake Bass?

The so-called sub-woofers commonly used in home cinema or in-car entertainment systems are likely to be useless for organ or serious hi-fi work. Most of the time they are only called upon to radiate transients such as drum notes or the bangs and crashes inseparable from movies such as Jurassic Park. Such programme material is different in kind to that from an organ. In fact many sub-woofers are highly resonant at frequencies above our 30 Hz figure, and these resonances are merely excited whenever signals arrive of the sort mentioned above. When a dinosaur is rampaging through a primeval forest on the screen, it does not really matter whether the associated sounds are radiated with high fidelity or not. Similarly, when youngsters cruising around in cars advertise their presence with the high intensity drum beats which they seem to enjoy, it does not matter whether the spectral character of the original material is modified by extreme loudspeaker resonances. Who would know or care? Yet playing an electronic organ or an organ CD through such a loudspeaker system can be disappointing – the fundamental frequencies of the lowest notes are simply not there, and there may be some ridiculous emphases of other frequencies. The term "one note bass" is sometimes used to describe loudspeakers such as these, because they really only give an illusion of powerful bass by radiating at the resonant frequencies of the system. Such loudspeakers are entirely inappropriate for serious musical use.

Minggu, 18 November 2012

Who am I?

I'm not sure about who I am, what I want to be, or what I need. But, I know that I love Double Open Wood and Untersatz, although I haven't heard them yet.
I realized that I really love Komik Muslimah so much. I miss it....

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Selamat! (1)

Hahah! Cuman dapet 3000 pageviews doang udah kegirangan. Hohoho.... Ya iya, dong, penantian sejak lebih dari dua tahun yang lalu. Norak abis pula kartu ucapannya. Ga apa-apa lah. Peristiwa seperti ini patut disyukuri. Alhamdulillah.
Nih, buktinya....
Wups, pake acara sensor-sensoran segala. Padahal link-nya ada di sebelah kanan tinggal pencet aja. Bikin misterius dikit lah.... Tapi kenapa si Night Horn ga pernah kukasih ucapan selamat ya? Kasih lewat hati aja deh...

Senin, 05 November 2012

Kosakata: Demi


1 demi p untuk (kepentingan): hentikan kebiasaan merokok, -- kesehatan
2 demi p lepas, per: satu -- satu (seorang -- seorang) para tamu memberi selamat kpd kedua mempelai
3 demi p tatkaIa; pd ketika; segera setelah; begitu: ia berteriak kegirangan -- membaca namanya tercantum di papan pengumuman
4 demi p atas nama (Tuhan, untuk bersumpah): -- Allah dan rasulNya saya tidak melakukan hal itu
5 demi kl p sebagai: suaranya merdu -- buluh perindu

Sumber: Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

Sabtu, 03 November 2012


Pagi-pagi nge-post sesuatu yang berwarna biar tambah ceria, tambah semangat! A new day has come.
Ini gambar spidol. Ga tau kenapa seneng banget ama spidol warna. Hehehe....

Bonus gambar semak berwarna merah.