

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

It's Ngranti

I don't know what to say when i'm in a very great happiness, especially when it's holiday. The only word that expresses it the best is Alhamdulillah. Yeay.... Going home (or actually going village?) is worth more than one billion of money. There are so many simple pleasures that can be found in village rather than city. And this is one of them.
Like usual, I love cycling; around my town or along the villages. The town is beautiful. And very clean! (My town, Tulungagung, got Adipura Kencana, yeay!). But rice fields outspread the villages have their own beauty.
I always feel both free, grace, and solemn (what? XD) in rice field. It's like there are only me, earth, sky and Allah. But I also feel crazy sometimes, sepecially when there's no one around me. It pushes me to do something silly; like scrolling my shorts, rolling over river bank, or whistling (I mean squeaking using whistle register) and hurts my throat. X( But it's so something. XD
Last holiday, I cycling trough a rice field next to my house. OK, that rice field actually doesn't spread exactly beside my home. But it's not far enough to make me tired. So, it's STILL close.
Look at this! It's almost like an aerial photography, isn't it? Not so similar, but it has the impression. Firstly, there are just few small trees around me, so the picture doesn't have any objects in foreground. Secondly, I took the picture on a pathway that has higher elevation than the field.

I took that picture at afternoon, facing east. It's great because the weather is clear and the sky is so very very blue. In the same place, facing south, i got this picture.

Like usual, the beauty of rice field make wat to say "Everyone, look at this! It's Boyolangu!" But, oh no, it's not the rice field of Desa Boyolangu. This is Desa Ngranti. Whatever, Ngranti is still part of Kecamatan Boyolangu. XD

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