

Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

Wild Flowers

I love flowers so much. No matter if they are cultivated or wildly growing at abandoned places, they always show natural beauty. This post contains some pictures of wild flowers around my home.

This purple flower grows in a side of a fishpond. Its tendril vines over a tree. I don't know the exact species of this plant, but I'm sure this one is a kind of legume of Fabaceae.

This purple-flowered plant is a kind of amaranthus. I don't know if it's edible like green amaranth (bayam) or not. It grows easily at field without any care. This seasonal plant grows bunches of flowers like candle or cat's tail.

I found a mantis rides amaranthus.
Err... I thought the plant is amaranthus. It is actually celosia, amaranthus' sibling. I just found its name.
*corrected at Desember 23rd 2014.

This is urang-aring (Eclypta alba).

An unknown herb (at least in my case) with beautiful tiny flower.

A herb with super-splendid red flowers. Despite its tiny size, the red is so excellent. I do not even need to enhance the red using computer software. The corolla is like kangkung (water spinach) and morning glory. So, it may be a species of Ipomoea.

Bonus! This is a goat of my neighbor. I met this goat on the way home. Somehow it looks like smiling.

1 komentar:

  1. ass, salut buat adik masih sekolah mencintai alam n bunga, pakai inggris lagi. Biasanya yg nulis itu sudah tua2 minimal lulus kuliah. teruskan dan realisasikan ya ... Bunga paling atas Butterfly pea, yg kayak bayam borocco, warna ungu Maman Ungu, yg merah saya belum pernah jumpai. Mungkin saya bisa dikirimin bijinya? Yuk dik mampir ke blog saya , tx ...
